Community Action

Help others to make a positive change

Since 2002 Aussie Action Abroad has offered Architecture Students and all related construction & others who wish to share skills and assist at a local level an opportunity to travel to Nepal, contribute to the rural Nepali communities through community development projects as well as experience world heritage Nepali architecture.

This year we will offer two projects where we will continue building a community space, whilst the other, improving the learning environment of students in a remote school. The Teams will work in the same geographic area of Nepal whilst enabling communities to receive much needed additions.

Aussie Action Abroad Ltd (AAA) uses basic accommodation at all times. Depending on location and practicality, this may include camping (tents supplied), dormitories, local hostel accommodation and basic hotels.

Prior to departure, AAA provides participants with all the information they need regarding gear, innoculations, culture & climate, etc. Detailed material will be sent on enquiry which includes an outlined program of planned activity.

Project funds: 10% of each participant fee is allocated to the purchase of materials for projects, but you may choose to seek additional funds from your community to add to the finances available. All funds raised will be given to the organisations when the group is in Nepal.


Dates 21 days
28 Dec 2024 - 17 Jan 2025
Project Fee
All meals, accommodation, internal transport, trekking permits, local staff costs - guide & assistants (employment), project donation, leadership & logistical support
Flight arrangements (incl taxes), Visa, personal gear and clothing, immunisations, personal travel insurance, spending money.
Group Size
Maximum 10 people (1 group per date period)

*Your Project fee includes the cost of project materials and a community donation. This amount is listed separately on your invoice as a donation towards the project and may be tax deductible. Aussie Action Abroad Ltd is a registered Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible.

Sustainable Development Goals

Our Health Teams are committed to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with our partners
and on our projects.

“I know that not a specialist but happy to have a go and my contributions in little projects made a big difference.”

Matt, Community Action Team volunteer



Share your skills, knowledge and commitment to healthy lifestyles


Assist in improving the local primary school's learning environment and teaching resources