
Help others to make a positive change

For many years, Aussie Action Abroad has offered opportunities for those in the health sector to share their skills, knowledge and commitment to healthy lifestyles with communities both within Kathmandu, as well as remote community settings.

This year we seek to build on our recent connections with a focus on extending information sharing with those agencies supporting young people with special needs.

Based in Pokhara, the team will focus on supporting Community Based Rehabilitation Service (CBRS), the Rainbow Centre (Pokhara Autism Resource Centre) and the Independent Living Centre.

 What will the venture involve? (Subject to change)
  •  Engage with staff and associates of our partners in Pokhara
  • Working alongside local staff, families, and young people
  • Living in a basic tea house in Pokhara
  • Opportunity to create and share resources aimed at assisting ‘clients’
  • If time permits – a home visit to ‘clients’ alongside Nepali staff
  • Opportunity to spend time doing a little exploration in and around Pokara.
Health volunteer leading a women's health workshop


Dates 15 days
28 Dec 2024 - 11 Jan 2025
Project Fee 15 days
All meals, accommodation, internal transport, trekking permits, local staff costs - guide & assistants (employment), project donation, leadership & logistical support
Flight arrangements (incl taxes), Visa, personal gear and clothing, immunisations, personal travel insurance, spending money.
Group Size
Maximum 10 people (1 group per date period)

*Your Project fee includes the cost of project materials and a community donation. This amount is listed separately on your invoice as a donation towards the project and may be tax deductible. Aussie Action Abroad Ltd is a registered Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible.

Sustainable Development Goals

Our Health Teams are committed to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with our partners
and on our projects.

A health volunteer demonstrating physiotherapy techniques on toddler sized dolls with Nepali Health workers

“This was the most incredible trip of my life and Nepal will always hold a place in my heart. living with and working alongside the community taught me the value of communication and the magic that comes when a community is empowered. The expedition absolutely change my perspective on everything
i do.”

Amy, Health Team volunteer



Help us build the foundations of a new community centre


Assist in improving the local primary school's learning environment and teaching resources