
Help others to make a positive change

Our Health teams work alongside Nepali health professionals, providing support, training and development.

We match each team’s skillsets and interests with local health providers and agency needs. Teams share their knowledge and expertise in health protocols, design and treatment.

We work with hospitals, rehabilitation, disability support and palliative care providers. In rural areas, we work with health posts and smaller community hospitals. Teams may also deliver workshops to local mother’s groups focusing on women’s health.

Our team members are doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, speech pathologists, chiropractors, osteopaths, and paramedics. If you work in any health field, you can help us make a difference.

Health volunteer leading a women's health workshop

Sustainable Development Goals

Our Health Teams are committed to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with our partners
and on our projects.

A health volunteer demonstrating physiotherapy techniques on toddler sized dolls with Nepali Health workers

“This was the most incredible trip of my life and Nepal will always hold a place in my heart. living with and working alongside the community taught me the value of communication and the magic that comes when a community is empowered. The expedition absolutely change my perspective on everything
i do.”

Amy, Health Team volunteer


2024 -2025

Aussie Action Abroad Pty Ltd (AAA) returns to Nepal in 2023/25 with a range of community action teams, one of which is a HEALTH TEAM following on from the work commenced last year.

Our Health Team will be looking to include a range of Health Workers who can share knowledge and train those practicing in Kathmandu and Pokhara whilst supporting clients and families.

We have been requested to seek the inclusion of Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Physiotherapists and Osteopaths who can conduct some training workshops.

Our plan is to have the team spend time in Kathmandu and Pokhara, assisting our partner agencies with whom we have had a long relationship.

The team will be able to share, explore, teach, learn and understand the needs of a range of people living with disabilities in varying parts of Nepal.4



Help us build the foundations of a new community centre


Assist in improving the local primary school's learning environment and teaching resources